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When working with Lifelines you might want to import additional data, sample results, scripts or other documents to your Lifelines research environment project. Here we provide you with an overview of all import options and their requirements.


Lifelines defines five different types of import requests. These are specified below. In some cases you can import files yourself. In other cases, Lifelines data management has to do this for you.
Please note that if you want to import data to answer a new research question (not defined in your approved research proposal), that you have to complete our amendment form first. Once this amendment form has been evaluated, further details will be agreed upon. For more information, please have a look at the following page: Changes during your Lifelines project.

1. Importing scripts or documentation

When you have access to the Lifelines Workspace or UMCG HPC environment, you can import scripts or documentation from your own computer yourself. If you want to transfer scripts or documentation from another Lifelines project, please email Lifelines Data Management with the PI of the other Lifelines project in the cc. Make sure to mention the project code of both projects and the location of the file(s) in your request. If you have access to both projects yourself, you are able to transfer the files yourself.

2. Importing sample results

Please contact Lifelines Data Management to import your biosample results. You cannot do this yourself because Lifelines data management has to link the sample results to your data. We require a completed Form Description of Instruments (FDI) at this stage of your sample project. For more information see Getting started with your biosample project.

3. Importing data files from other databases

When you want to import data files (e.g. environmental data you can link yourself, data that you have required from an external database, or data from another cohort), you can import this yourself. Please note that it is your own responsibility to ensure that you have the right/permission to import this data. If you are unsure about this, consult your own Data Protection Officer or the relevant contact person from the data source. Keep the following points in mind: 

  • Confidentiality: be aware that Lifelines Data Management has access to your project folder. It is your responsibility to determine whether this is acceptable.
  • Anonymization: if you import personal data from non-Lifelines participants, you might want to contemplate anonymization. Many details may not be necessary for your research.
  • Legal Agreements: If a contract or data processing agreement is required, this is your own responsibility. Your own Data Protection Officer must provide guidance. Keep in mind that such agreements involve costs.
  • Removal of the data: when no longer needed, you are responsible for the removal of the data. This is especially relevant if the data concerns personal data from non-Lifelines participants. Please make sure to remove this data from your Lifelines project folder before finishing your project, such that Lifelines will not include it in the Lifelines archive.

4. Importing data files to be linked to your Lifelines data

When you want to import data, which Lifelines has to link to your Lifelines data (e.g. using X/Y coordinates, postal code 6, home address). This is a special procedure, which requires you to fill out the Lifelines amendment form (see Changes during your Lifelines project).


5. Sharing data between Lifelines projects

When you want to import a personal data file from another Lifelines project, you do not have the permissions to do this yourself. Additionally, before the file can be transferred the pseudonyms from one project have to be altered to match those of the other project. In your email to Lifelines Data Management please specify the following:

  • Location from which the file should be retrieved, including project code
  • Location where the files should be placed, including project code
  • Why this file should be transferred
  • Confirmation from the principal investigator of the project providing the file

Working with Lifelines in 5 steps