About Lifelines
Our aim is to enable research to better prevent, predict, diagnose and treat diseases.
Lifelines is a large, multigenerational cohort study that includes over 167,000 participants (10%) from the northern population of the Netherlands. We included participants from three generations, who are followed with a lifespan perspective, to obtain insight into healthy ageing. The aim of Lifelines is to be a resource for the national and international scientific community.
To facilitare research we collect data and biosamples, using questionnaires, physical measurements and sampling, since 2006. Every 1.5 years participants complete a questionnaire and once every 5 years participants visit a Lifelines location where biosamples are collected and several measurements and tests are conducted.

Privacy and quality
The storage of the data and body materials is done with extreme care. The privacy of the participant and the quality of the data are paramount. The body materials are stored in our Lifestore, a highly advanced and well-secured "freezer" at a temperature of - 80°C. Data and body materials a researcher works with are not traceable to a participant.
Lifelines started under the wings of the Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG). Since early 2014 there have been two BVs:
- Lifelines Databeheer BV; for management of data and body materials and
- Medische Biobank Noord-Nederland BV; the working organization.
Lifelines is a not-for-profit BV with two shareholders: the Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen and the University of Groningen. Lifelines' head office is located in Roden.

Management team
The management team consists of Jochen Mierau (Scientific Director), Marcel Bruinenberg (Participants and Organization Manager), Marjan Huizinga (Senior P&O Advisor), Dennis de Vries (Business Controller), Sanne Bolt (Board Secretary), Jan-Joost van Walsum (Lead Enterprise Architect) and Trynke de Jong (Biosamples and Data Access).
The position of General Director is currently vacant.