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datamanager bij Lifelines

Costs of our data services

The usage of a broad population data collection organization, such as Lifelines, is less expensive compared to collecting your own data and/or biological samples. Lifelines is a not-for-profit biobank. Our data collection during the regular waves is funded so data itself are free of charge. Our data services are fee-for-service based for scientific institutions and we charge the costs price.

Our data services include: 

  • registration and review of applications
  • use of the Lifelines data
  • data management services
  • access to one of our research environments
  • storage


Costs may vary depending on the type of application and/or project. Costs for biosamples, linkage projects, or additional studies can be found on their respective pages. On this page we will focus on projects that use the currently available data only (as described above). Access to the available Lifelines data can be provided on two research environments: the Lifelines Workspace (Digital Research Environment; DRE) and the Lifelines UMCG high performance cluster (HPC). Information on these systems can be found here
Please note that access to the DRE workspace involves two types of costs: 1) Lifelines service costs, which are showed in the table below, and 2) DRE workspace costs. More details on DRE workspace costs can be found on the DRE cost insight page.

Note: all prices in the table below are excluding VAT. VAT percentages can differ depending on your country of origin. Prices including VAT or for a different time period can be requested by contacting Lifelines Data Management.  

Type of application Academic fee 2025 Partner fee 2025***

New Lifelines application (including one year access)

Data access Lifelines Workspace (one user)  €3 635 €2 585
Data access Lifelines UMCG HPC  €3 500  €2 700 
Data access Lifelines Workspace (one user) and UMCG HPC  €4 635 €3 135

Extending your Lifelines application (one year extension)

Extension access Lifelines Workspace (one user)  €1 200 €1 200
Extension access Lifelines UMCG HPC  €2 000  €2 000 
Extension access Lifelines Workspace (one user) and UMCG HPC  €2 200  €1 700 

Additional services

Additional Workspace user  € 925 € 625 
Extension access additional Workspace user  Free Free
Student fee Workspace access (six months) *  € 200  € 200
Access for additional revisions (one month) **  € 125  € 125 

* We offer a special fee for projects for Bachelor/Master students who are supported by an active Workspace user, do not require data management services and have their own specific research question. 
** Lifelines owns several revision workspaces for researchers who need access to their data after their project has been closed (for more information see Step 5: Closing your project). First-time access (maximum of one month) is free. After this, costs are €125 (excl. VAT) per month. For cluster users revisions are also possible. Costs will apply after first-time access and if the project is inactive. 
*** Partner fees apply to researchers from RUG/UMCG.

Ready to start?

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