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Publication: Blood eosinophil count and metabolic, cardiac and pulmonary outcomes: A Mendelian randomization study

Researchers: Amini M, Vonk JM, Abbasi A, Prins BP, Alizadeh BZ, et al.


Blood eosinophil count is associated with a variety of common complex outcomes in epidemiological observation. The aim of this study was to explore the causal association between determined blood eosinophil count and 20 common complex outcomes (10 metabolic, 6 cardiac, and 4 pulmonary).


An elevated eosinophil count is unlikely to be causally associated to higher risk of metabolic, cardiac, and pulmonary outcomes. Further studies with a stronger genetic risk score for eosinophil count may support these results.

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Read the entire article: Blood eosinophil count and metabolic, cardiac, and pulmonary outcomes: a Mendalian randomization study.