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extra onderzoek darmgezondheid dag5

Add-on study into gut health: DAG5

Gut health provides insight into disease and health

During the previous round of research, the DAG4 study mapped what a healthy gut microbiome looks like. In this follow-up study DAG5, researchers focus on how the gut microbiome developed over time.

The goal of DAG5

Researcher Rinse Weersma (UMCG): "We are curious whether we see the same bacteria again when we look at the gut microbiome of the same participants several years later. Did something change in the health of these participants, for example did a disease occur and can we see that reflected in the gut microbiome? These and many other questions we would like to answer by once again asking Lifelines participants to collect stool samples."

Taking part in DAG5

For the DAG5 study, we only invite participants who have previously collected stool samples for Lifelines. Participation consists of two parts:

  • Collect stool samples at home
  • During one week, complete online DAG booklets

Filling out journals

During the week in which participants collect stool, we also ask them to fill in a digital journal every day. These are the same questionnaires 7 times: one for each day. Participants count how often they have stools in a day, remember what the stools look like and at what times they have had stools. We also ask some questions about bowel health and diet, among other things. We recommend completing the journal at the end of the day.

DAG5 kit

For stool collection, participants will be given a kit during their visit 1. In it they will find the following supplies:

1. Grey collection tray (1x)
2. Faeces collector (1x)
3. Gloves (1 pair)
4. Pipettes (3x)
5. Scissors (1x)
6. Small tubes (3x)
7. Plastic bag (1x)

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