For usage of the LIDAS data: a) Bot, M., et al. "Validity of LIDAS (LIfetime Depression Assessment Self-report): a self-report online assessment of lifetime major depressive disorder." Psychological Medicine 47.2 (2017): 279-289. b) Fedko, Iryna O., et al. "Measurement and genetic architecture of lifetime depression in the Netherlands as assessed by LIDAS (Lifetime Depression Assessment Self-report)." Psychological Medicine 51.8 (2021): 1345-1354.
For usage of the deaq questionnaire: c) van Loo, Hanna M., Steven H. Aggen, and Kenneth S. Kendler. "The structure of the symptoms of major depression: Factor analysis of a lifetime worst episode of depressive symptoms in a large general population sample." Journal of Affective Disorders 307 (2022): 115-124.