Required reference for use of methylation data: Bonder, Marc Jan, et al. "Disease variants alter transcription factor levels and methylation of their binding sites." Nature genetics 49.1 (2017): 131-138.
Required banner: Lifelines DEEP Cohort: Lude Franke1, Sasha Zhernakova1, Jingyuan Fu1, Morris Swertz1, Cisca Wijmenga1 1Department of Genetics, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
Please have a look at this publication as an example on how to use the banner. You could add "Lifelines DEEP Cohort" to the author list.
Required acknowledgement: Generation and management of Lifelines Deep data is supported by an ERC Advanced Grant to Cisca Wijmenga, ERC Starting Grant to Lude Franke and Sasha Zhernakova, a VIDI grant to Lude Franke, Jingyuan Fu and Morris Swertz and several other subsidies from NWO / ZonMW.