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Thyroid GWAS Analysis Plan for increased/decreased TSH, TSH, FT4 and T3, T3/T4 ratio, and TSH*FT4 product - extended project

The trait definition, transformation, and covariates are the same as for our previous thyroid GWAS (Teumer et al., Nat Commun. 2018 doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06356-1), except that free T3 (FT3) and/or total T3 (TT3), FT3/FT4 ratio, TT3/FT4 ratio and TSH*FT4 product are now included as additional traits. The HRC panel can be used as an alternative genotype imputation for European ancestry cohorts.

Year of approval



UMCG - Department of Endocrinology

Primary applicant

Wolffenbuttel, B.