Depression is one of the most prevailing illnesses in the world, with more than 300 million people falling under this category (WHO 2017). Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a syndrome with a broad spectrum of varying symptoms. On the basis of symptom profiles the diagnostic statistical manual (DSM) has classified MDD into several clinical subtypes. A more fruitful approach could be a classification of MDD subtypes on the basis of underlying pathological processes. The researchers are in the process of validating a combined serum/morning urine biomarker panel for MDD encompassing most of the scientific information gathered so far with respect to the pathological mechanisms in MDD. The next step will be replication of the initial findings in a larger cohort from Lifelines also enabling to investigate the moderating effects of age and gender.
Replication of the Brainscan/UCP biomarker panel for major depressive disorder in Lifelines and investigation of the moderating effects of age and gender
Year of approval
University Medical Center Groningen
Primary applicant
Schoevers, RA
Meddens, M