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PIE=M, Physicians Implement Exercise is Medicine; The implementation of individualized active lifestyle prescription in routine clinical care

This project envisages an extensive continuation of research on the implementation of E=M, supports the mutual decision making process of lifestyle referral by clinicians and provides insights which can be used to assist in implementing physically active lifestyle prescription in hospital care and the medical curriculum.

Physical inactivity, referred to as a pandemic by the Lancet in 2012, has led to an increase in the prevalence of lifestyle-related chronic diseases on a global scale. By creating more awareness surrounding the preventive and curative role of physical activity and lifestyle in healthcare. While life expectancy has increased, physical activity can help healthy aging: additional life years can be spent in better health.

The use of Lifelines data within this project is of major importance for several reasons. Firstly, the use of Lifelines data enables to identify diagnose specific reference data on physical activity. Secondly, the use of Lifelines data enables to explore correlates of exercise and sedentary behavior in general, in healthy people and on a patient specific level, which will be of added value to the existing literature about exercise participation. Thirdly, by integration in a new algorithm to be developed, Lifelines data may lead to personalized physical activity prescriptions (also referred to as Health-RI. 2017; Available from:

Year of approval



University Medical Center Groningen

Primary applicant

Dekker, R