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Lifelines Corona Research Project (COVQ)

Currently very little is known about the etiology of severe Covid-19 symptoms. This research proposal aims to gain insight into the role of both genetic and environmental risk factors. Since for 50,000 Lifelines participants already genotype data has been generated through the UGLI consortium we can study how genetic variants might affect disease severity. We also intend to ascertain whether certain preexisting medical conditions or certain types of medication might aggravate Covid-19 disease symptoms.

Very little to nothing is known about Covid-19, and as such it is difficult to provide available literature. Some hypotheses on host genetics in determining Covid-19 severity are provided in 

Focusing on the psychosocial and economic consequences of the Corona Pandemic we can draw on the large literature dealing with the broader impact of disasters on society at larger. Indeed, it is well known that epoch defining events such as the Twin Tower attacks had large scale impacts on the economic and social well-being of directly and indirectly affected individuals in large parts of the world. As such understanding how the Corona Pandemic affects those who contracted the diseases as well as those who were only exposed to heightened societal stress levels as well as the, often sever, infringements of personal freedoms will improve our ability to design effective policy responses in future.

Year of approval



UMCG - Department of Genetics

Primary applicant

Franke, L.