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Lifelines: a unique biobank and databank

Lifelines is a large, multi-generational, prospective cohort study that includes over 167,000 participants (10%) from the northern population of the Netherlands. Through the length, size and in-depth examination we provide many excellent opportunities for studies worldwide unraveling the etiology of multifactorial diseases focusing on multifactor risk factors. Lifelines offers a unique combination of research data and high-quality biosamples, available for scientific research.

Discover the possibilities

What's great about Lifelines is that, as a researcher, you do not need to do all the coding yourself. Data can also be reused and the questionnaires are very well prepared and organized.

Jonas Salzbrunn

For my research, the Lifelines data have been crucial, because the richness of the data was simply unparalleled.

Trishnika Chakraborty

The richness of the Lifelines database and the enormous size of the cohort allows for unusual connections. A broad range of research questions can therefore be answered.

Rik Wisselink-Bijker